Festival Fleurieu holds copyright of the general Festival images and logo. All other images and logos are the property of the business or individual represented. Reproduction of any content is allowable for personal or educational use only.
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Whilst every endeavour is made to keep the content of this website accurate and up to date, Festival Fleurieu takes no responsibility for loss or damage that may result from your accessing the website, the content or any link provided by a third party. All events are registered by independent operators and community organisations. Responsibility for individual event creative content and outcomes remains with the artists/owners. Festival Fleurieu reserves the right to alter scheduled programs. Please note, when you access a link to another website, you leave the Festival website and are no longer protected by Festival Fleurieu conditions.
Strategic Plan
Adopted by Festival Fleurieu Board, December 2019. Updated November 2023.
Download 2023–2025 Strategic Plan